Fun Runners Competition Team 2025
Fun Runners Competition Team 2025
So excited to continue with a NASSAU COMPETITION TEAM as well as SUFFOLK COMPETITION TEAM options for Long Island Fun Runners.
We are specifically looking for Jumpers, Throwers, and Hurdlers, Grades 3rd through 8th, at both sites. We will have qualified coaches and counselors in each of these events at both sites! Please spread the word!
Also new is the HALF COMMITMENT OPTION - we understand that some kids are on a middle school team or playing another sport, want some extra competitions and practices with Fun Runners, but cannot commit to everything. If you plan on attending 50% or less of practices and meets, please choose this option. Email if any questions.
We are very excited to offer something more competition-based for our most serious athletes in grades 3rd-8th, who want to compete against other club teams. We have several meets scheduled for the Spring Season, including several meets hosted by Fun Runners. We will compete in informal scrimage-type meets, USATF meets (registration required to compete at these) and we are in the early planning stages for a TRIP in Summer 2025. More details to follow.
Competition Team Membership includes all practices and meets. Uniforms and USATF registration are separate fees.
New for 2025 - we want kids to attend 3 practices per week.
There is flexibility here once we really get started with Youth Programs in March. Competition Team can attend practices at HHH HS East on Sundays at 4pm through January and February, with some scheduled USATF meets. Starting after February Break, kids can attend Sunday practices at either Sacred Heart or at West Hollow MS during Spring Thaw. Then they can attend practices on Mondays and Wednesdays at Sacred Heart or they can attend practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Candlewood MS - or any combination of days and sites. See Youth Programs for addresses, dates, and times.
Kids who trend towards longer distance running are welcome to train more for Cross Country. Please email with registration if you prefer Cross Country over Track. If we have enough interest here, we will host some additional practices at West Hills County Park.
Attached are the dates that the Competition Team will compete for Spring 2025. These dates are tentative and subject to change, as we are awaiting approval for some dates. We will seek to add some more dates as well.
Competition Team Membership for Spring 2025: March-April-May —> $400
Competition Team Membership for Summer 2025: June-July-August —> $400
Competition Team Membership for Fall 2025: September-October-November —> $300
Part Time Membership for Spring or Summer —> $250 Partial Fall —>$200
Team Membership Pricing for all of 2025 —> $900. You can pay for this through the website, or in three installments - Summer is due June 1st and Fall is due September 1st. This would be payable through Venmo to lifunrunners under business accounts.
A siblings joining Competition Team (3rd-8th) is 20% off. A second sibling would be 30% off. This discount is reflected in the registration costs online.
Team siblings younger than 3rd grade are welcome to race at the competitions, but must register separately for the Youth Track Program or TRACK TOTS.